Back pain is often a symptom of various diseases and conditions. From disc herniation to various diseases, from inflammation of the lumbar nerves to various genetic abnormalities. Because the spinal cord extends from the coccyx to the base of the neck, back pain can be located in different areas, and from here you can determine connections with certain diseases. Also, when we talk about chronic back pain, localized pain can radiate or spread to other areas of the body, according to US-Reviews.
What is the cause of back pain?
In most cases, a stretch, dislocation, or spasm of the muscles or ligaments in the back is probably the cause of the pain. Some of the most common causes of back pain are:
- Increasing weights incorrectly
- Excessive stretching when lifting, bending, or twisting
- Incorrect posture
- Improper sleeping position or sleeping on a deformed mattress
- Overweight
- Pregnancy
- Inactivity
- Stress
- Smoking
There is a higher risk of back pain as you get older – back pain is more common in people between the ages of 30 and 50. Also, we need to mention that is very important to check healthy fast food delivery online reviews and to choose good foods for your …